Sunday 19 January 2014

Book Club - 15.01.14

First book club of the new year! Jennie kindly had us all round to her beautiful house this time where we tried to resist the cookies and nibbles but failed miserably.  We were discussing 'Tiny Sunbirds Far Away' by Christie Watson which although we went off tangent a few times we ended up in quite a deep discussion about religion, marriage and traditions of death.  It was a really interesting evening and I think everyone enjoyed the book although it had a sadness through it there was also hope.  The writer described the characters in such a way that you had a clear picture in your mind of what they looked like, and they were certainly larger than life characters. 

The main premise of the story was about a young girl called Blessing and her brother Ezekiel.  Blessing tells their story of initially living with their mother and father in a rich part of Nigeria in a house with air conditioning, and her memories are of a happy loving family.  Then things turn sour when her father has an affair with another woman and leaves them with not enough money to keep their house and so they are forced to move to live with her Grandma and Grandad in a poor village.  Here there is no air conditioning, there is no fridge, there is not even any running water.  After struggling to get used to this new life Blessing finds her place in this world and begins to learn Grandmas trade, to be a midwife.  She is only twelve years old, but it is fascinating how she takes on this responsibility and soaks up Grandma's knowledge and advice.  The birth scenes in the book are a mixture of beautiful and harrowing, describing the conditions in which these women gave birth in their village and how the traditions of female genital mutilation can cause so many shocking problems for women giving birth in later life.

Meanwhile her older brother Ezekiel has gone from aspiring to be a doctor to joining a rebel gang in the village and begins to go off the rails. Blessings mother falls in love with a white man and is determined to marry him much to the confusion and disapproval of many, leaving Blessing eventually with the decision of whether to leave her home to go and live in England with her mother.  Grandma was my favourite character because she seemed to be in control of the family (even though Alhaji the granddad thought he was).  She was always calm and wise, she was mother to everyone even when Alhaji brought home a second wife she took her under her wing, she believed everything happened for a reason, and was always content with her life.  Alhaji was a proud man who thought he was the head of the household even though he never actually worked and spent their money keeping up appearances he did appear to have a good heart, he was maybe just a little eccentric, always coming up with bizarre schemes like snail farming and had a crazy believe in the medicinal properties of marmite.

If you didn't get a chance to read this book for book club, I would recommend reading it sometime as its an interesting insight into a different side of the world and it is a well written heart-warming story with believable characters. 

Next months book was decided...'Life of Pi' by Yann Martel

I am particular excited about this because I put this book on the list about a year ago and have been hoping it would come up.  I have seen the film but have been told by many that the book is fantastic so I have high hopes for this one.
'One boy, one boat, one tiger . . .

After the tragic sinking of a cargo ship, a solitary lifeboat remains bobbing on the wild, blue Pacific. The only survivors from the wreck are a sixteen year-old boy named Pi, a hyena, a zebra (with a broken leg), a female orang-utan ? and a 450-pound Royal Bengal tiger. The scene is set for one of the most extraordinary and best-loved works of fiction in recent years'

Next Book Club

Date: 19th February
Time: 7.30pm
Location: TBC

Thursday 2 January 2014

2013 - A Snapshot

2013 has had lots of ups and downs, the hardest part was losing my Grandad, but he lives on in my memories and we will continue to celebrate his life, he meant so much to so many people.  You are forever in our hearts Grandad x x x



Passing my Driving Test & Pass Plus thanks to the patience of Chris Aston
Completing beginners Sign Language with Rachael & Sasha
Raising money for the South East Cancer Help Centre with an immense amount of tea, cakes and support from family and friends
Passing PTLLS Level 4 Qualification (Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector)
Getting promoted to Senior Support and Training Officer at work

Some Memorable Moments of 2013
Pretending to be posh during afternoon tea at Harrods

London Duck Tour (before one caught fire and plunged into the Thames)
Dirty Dancing at Kellermans – dressing up, hula hooping, dancing & beach ball fights
Harry Potter Studio Tours – sets, props, creatures, magic & butter beer
Going to my first classical concert by the London philharmonic orchestra
Being hypnotised by the sign language performer during The Bodyguard show
Watching the magical Charlie & Chocolate Factory from the second row
Giggling at the Milton Jones stand up gig 
Go ape – swinging and climbing through the tree tops
Learning to make Jewellery for the day
Baking with the never ending supply of apples
11 fantastic Book Clubs including the unforgettable sparklers
Ice skating with Letty & Michael at Alexandra Palace
Skating and bowling for my birthday at Guildford spectrum

Purple birthday hair and giant tea cups in the garden
Strolling around Richmond with Kibble with our cameras at the ready
Many awesome games nights
Winning the Dragon Quiz Night with the 'A' Team - Paul, Janine, Robbie & Lauren!
Being on the winning team and coming second at the ICT bowling night (major fluke)

Seeing the World
Cruising around the Med exploring some extraordinary cities:
Monte Carlo
A snowy Christmas weekend in Tallinn, Estonia
Trees and flowers galore at Nyman's, Kew and Sheffield Park
Photographing Vicki & Dan’s wedding at High Rocks, Tunbridge Wells
Photographing the Burl family rocking it in onesies and climbing trees in Coombe Gardens
Big Birthdays
Kathy's 50th Birthday curry, fun and games
Eve’s 30th with French fancy taste testing, mah-jong and birthday tea 
Tracey’s 30th  where peter pan made an appearance
Phil’s 50th party where mum shouted surprise before everyone else
Colin’s 60th party of fun & games including dead ants, wink murder and some serious jazz hands
Jodi’s wedding at High Rocks, Tunbridge Wells
Claire & Nick’s wedding at Langshott Manor
Uncle Phil’s wedding in Westerham

Danny’s cousin Karen’s wedding with the awesome live band and three scary minions

2013 flew by but looking back quite a lot happened!! I'm looking forward to new adventures and experiences in 2014 bring it on!