Monday 9 March 2015

Book Club - 4/03/15

This month we met up in our usual spot to talk about a book called 'Hotel on the corner of Bitter and Sweet' by Jamie Ford. I really loved this book, it had such a sweet story and was so easy to speed through! The love story was very touching but the book also contained some pretty hard hitting truths about how the Japanese were treated during World War II in America and in fact about the big segregation between several different races. It's hard to imagine whole areas of towns dedicated only to one race of people, with their own traditions, shops, schools and lives when just down the road is a completely different way of life.

I had no idea that the Japanese as this time were forced to leave their homes and go to internment camps, not that dissimilar to the Jews. I definatley don't remember this being taught at school in history. With such a sad background the book held your attention to what was going on historically but also brought in this beautiful story of a Chinese boy and a Japanese girl who become best friends against all odds. Henry even tracks Keiko down at the camps to visit her, how realistic that would have been I'm not sure but it showed his innocence and determination.  It makes you hope that there were young people like Henry who stood up for what they believed was right. 

I thought most of the characters were really likeable even the father who Henry had a difficult relationship with, they all came across as very human and I felt like I could picture their faces. I did picture the sax player Sheldon as the guy from the Simpsons though which is a bit random!  I loved the fact that Henry and Sheldon kept in touch for all those years and the story of the music record which touched several peoples lives throughout the book.  We decided that the one character who maybe could have been explored a bit more was the dinner lady Mrs Beatty. The author snuck in some interesting back story elements which gave the impression that she had a real story of her own to tell but you never quite got to the bottom of it.

Definatley worth a read, everyone enjoyed this one, interesting themes and a touching story at the forefront, it's always nice when you finish a book with a smile on your face!

So our book list had pretty much come to an standstill so Charlotte gave me a list of popular book club books to give us some ideas.  In the end we chose...

'The End of your Life Book Club' by Will Schwalbe

'During her treatment for cancer, Mary Anne Schwalbe and her son Will spent many hours sitting in waiting rooms together. To pass the time, they would talk about the books they were reading. Once, by chance, they read the same book at the same time—and an informal book club of two was born. Through their wide-ranging reading, Will and Mary Anne—and we, their fellow readers—are reminded how books can be comforting, astonishing, and illuminating, changing the way that we feel about and interact with the world around us. A profoundly moving memoir of caregiving, mourning, and love—The End of Your Life Book Club is also about the joy of reading, and the ways that joy is multiplied when we share it with others.'

I think its fair to say there are going to be some teary moments here but it actually sounds like a really good idea for a story and its true which makes it all the more emotional.  Mine arrive today so I will get going!! We have decided to squeeeeeze a book club in before the weddings in April so not as long to read this one.  Grab your copy and off you go!!

Next Book Club:

Date: 8th April 2015
Location: Matthews Yard
Time 7.30pm