Thursday 7 July 2016

Book Club - 15/06/16

Really enjoyed being back at book club having missed the last one, and this time with a new addition! My baby Oliver gave some good input, mostly sleeping, eating and puking but he had lots of cuddles so he was happy!

We talked about the book 'What Alice Forgot' by Liane Moriarty.  I wasn't bowled over by the book if I'm honest although it did grow on me as the story progressed. I felt after the accident when she was discovering things that have happened to her it became a bit silly for example her divorce, every little thing was 'that must be why he wants a divorce' I didn't really feel for the characters much. The mother reminded me a bit of the mum in Bridget Jones diary. We also talked about what it would be like if we forgot the last ten years and what huge milestones have happened since then! It would definatley be pretty scary to not remember having your children, but she just didn't seem freaked out enough for me to find it believable. I don't think I'd go ahead with parties at my house and an event to make a giant lemon merengue if I had lost my memory and didn't remember who my kids where! But i did warm to it towards the second half of the book when u learnt more about the family. It's a good chick lit book for the beach but that's about all id say!

So the next book is a new thriller hot off the shelves! It's a surprisingly short book so I reckon even I can get through this one right now! 'Under The Harrow' by Flynn Berry.

'When Nora takes the train from London to visit her sister in the countryside, she expects to find her waiting at the station, or at home cooking dinner. But when she walks into Rachel’s familiar house, what she finds is entirely different: her sister has been the victim of a brutal murder.

Stunned and adrift, Nora finds she can’t return to her former life. An unsolved assault in the past has shaken her faith in the police, and she can’t trust them to find her sister’s killer. Haunted by the murder and the secrets that surround it, Nora is under the harrow: distressed and in danger. As Nora’s fear turns to obsession, she becomes as unrecognizable as the sister her investigation uncovers.'

Next Book Club:

Date: 27/07/16
Location: Matthews Yard
Time: 7.30pm