Sunday 7 September 2014

Book Club - 27.08.14

A tad late in writing this up! It was a very ickle book club anyway just me, Jen and Neil! Hope you guys are coming back soon for the next book! We have our cinema outing on Tues to see 'Before I Go to Sleep' which I'm looking forward to as it was a good thriller that we read last year and hopefully this will entice a few of you back as we miss you :)

This time we were talking about 'Seduction, Shopping an Mr Selfridge' which was more of an autobiography rather than a story of his life & shop which we were expecting! We all agreed there definatley wasn't enough scandal in the book but it seems that Mr Selfridge himself did not really do interviews and kept himself to himself so it was kind of hard to get a personal aspect to his character. Saying that he was certainly a quirky, interesting man and if I been around in his time I would have loved to work in his store! He made shopping and working a completely unique experience and had a profound effect on everyone he met. I loved the fact that he made a point of going to every department and meeting every member of staff every single day, making them motivated to do their best for him and to make the store fabulous. I also like the references to the different styles of clothes as they came in and out of fashion and to find that he was involved in the introduction of so many products that we have today such as television and airplanes.

It wasn't all great however, I did find the endless name dropping and references to 'famous' people that i'd never heard of a little irritating and it did sometimes feel a little like a history book packed with facts rather than a narrative or someone's life. It's definatley made me interested in seeing a few episodes of the series though if only to see the store in all it's glory and the fashions!

We decided this time to choose a book which has been on our list since we began book club and is also a completely different genre to anything we have read before! This months book is 'Childhoods End' by Arthur C Clarke. This is a classic 1950s sci-fi and being a fan of sci-fi films I am interested to see what this is like! It may not sound like your usual cup of tea but give it a chance and try something new :) It also pretty short, I've already nearly finished!!

'Earth has become a Utopia, guided by a strange unseen people from outer space whose staggering powers have eradicated war, cruelty, poverty and racial inequality. When the 'Overlords' finally reveal themselves, their horrific form makes little impression.

Then comes the sign that the Overlords have been waiting for. A child begins to dream strangely - and develops remarkable powers. Soon this happens to every child - and the truth of the Overlords' mission is finally revealed to the human race...'
Next Book Club:

Date: 24th September 2014
Location: Matthews Yard

Be there or be square - also please mention book club to your friends, new members welcome and some men would be fab to get some different perspectives and debate going as we seem to have lost most of our men readers, there must be some more out there somewhere - Neil is being surrounded by women (I'm sure he loves it really ;)

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