Tuesday 31 May 2011

Do It Yourself

A journey of DIY discovery…

Chaulking ‘Chaulk everything! If it’s a straight line chaulk it!’

Sanding - when you look like a snowman, sand a bit more

Varnish - until you get a bit too happy from the fumes

Gloss - this stuff does NOT come off your hands, (yet it takes 16 hours to dry whatever you’ve painted) for weeks I felt the need to apologise to random people in case they thought that perhaps I don’t actually wash

Painting – the first wall I painted I was ecstatic that we had got to the painting stage quote: ‘we’re nearly there Jay we are painting! Hoorah!’ erm…no…not nearly there…the last wall I painted I wanted to throw the paintbrush down and dance around it (in fact I’m sure I did do a little dance *whoop*)
We dabbled with painting/equipment of all varieties…brushes, rollers, ceilings, walls, skirting’s, doors, frames, cutting in, I even painted my glasses, my hair, clothes and my arms (those last few were not intentional) Also tried a new fangled gadget from the ideal home show a ‘paint pad pro’ Tommy Walsh you should be ashamed to have your face on that box! Recommended if you want a lovely smear effect on your walls if you can manage to keep the pad on there long enough to smear anything that is…

Singing and whistling while you work is recommended, throw in a bit of dancing/wiggling to amuse the neighbours

I have never realised there are so many different types of paint, why can you not go into a shop and say I’d like a tub of paint please

I hate B&Q

Masking - making sure you don’t get paint where you’re not supposed to…and trying not to peel paint off when removing the masking *sighs*

Priming – oh you can’t just paint everything you know! You have to prime things first, which basically means even more painting

Whitewashing – yes essentially yet more painting

Budgeting and watching money evaporate – we got really good at this one (well the last part anyway)

Learning from mistakes – all you can do is what you think is right and learn from the mistakes

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