Thursday 22 September 2011

Where did August go?

August has passed me by and no blog to be seen.  I honestly cannot understand how time seems to be going so quickly lately.  Anyway blogging had fallen absently to the back of my mind and it was a film that I watched which re-ignited something somewhere in my brain and made me want to write something.  The film is called Julie & Julia.  It was strange because it must have been on my lovefilm list even though I don’t remember putting it on there and neither Jay or I really knew what it was about other than ‘cooking’.  Regardless one day last week it just popped through our letter box.  What a fabulous film! My explanation of the plot may not be persuasive but it really was a joy to watch. It’s about a famous chef called Julia Childs. Alongside watching her discover herself, learn to cook and develop her cookbook back in1950’s Paris, we see a modern day Julie who decides to challenge herself by cooking every single recipe in Julia Child’s cookbook in 365 days whilst blogging about the experience.  Sounds unusual I know, but I loved it, it was just quirky with very entertaining characters and above all when it finished I lay in bed that night thinking of all the things I’d like to do and achieve. I loved the fact that Julie was a writer working a job she didn’t like and that her blogging was an escapism, that she originally thought no one was reading but soon discovered she had quite a following.  Its not jump off your seat stuff, it was just the right mixture of funny and sad, and a great story about life and its challenges.

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about my own challenges, one of those being the aim to get fit and healthy, which in actual fact is coming along nicely.  I haven’t lost a load of weight but I have lost some and am starting to tone up which is what I really wanted.  The main thing is I’ve started to feel fitter.  I can see how people talk about gym and fitness becoming obsessive, not that I’ve got to that stage (or plan to) but when I do a fitness class at the moment I feel energised and hyper like I want to do more.  It’s a good feeling and the more classes I do the fitter I am and so each class feels like I am achieving more and working harder.  Food wise dieting is hard, I am struggling to get into it completely but even attempting it is reducing the crap I was eating and making me eat more healthy which has got to be good!       

The biggest challenge I am facing at the moment is my work. I have always struggled with an inner negative monster who reminds me that I am not doing what I really want to do.  Up until recently I don’t think I ever really knew what it was that I wanted to do.  My day job is wearing me down, I feel like it is draining the life out of me, going home tired and lethargic and constantly dreaming about what might be one day.  I have realised that I’ve got to start making things happen for myself, and have started looking into how I can expand my photography, make some money and ultimately end up doing what I love instead of wishing the days away somewhere else.  So watch this space, I am setting myself some new goals and challenges for the near future!

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