Saturday 5 May 2012

Book Club - 02/05/12

A fantastic evening discussing our first read ‘Travels with Charley’ took place on Wed 2nd May at the Half and Half bar, South Croydon.  It was an enjoyable night exploring all aspects of the book from individual first impressions, key characters and delving into Steinbeck’s journey across America.  I was surprised at how much there was to talk about! Everyone had picked up on different quotes & moments of the book and the time period of the 1960’s brought with it a whole host of discussion topics, some of which steered us into comparisons with current culture.  We were all left wondering did Steinbeck actually find what he set out to find and what exactly was it that he was looking for?  I think overall we agreed it was a great read and a definite recommend!   

One of my favourite quotes was Steinbecks reflection on the weather, having experienced living in near perfect climate in his past 'For how can one know colour in perptual green, and what good is warmth without cold to give it sweetness'.

For me this first book choice established what our book club is really about, providing the opportunity & perhaps a gentle nudge in the direction of books that you might never have found or thought about reading before.  Jen’s homemade pastries and jam doughnuts were a welcome addition to the group!!

Having already compiled quite a hefty list of suggestions the first week, we decided to vote from the same list for our next choice, although there was one added title ‘Bleak House’ by Charles Dickens.  The winning book choice for May (I believe suggested by Rachel) is...

Catcher In The Rye by J.D.Salinger

‘Since his debut in 1951 as The Catcher in the Rye, Holden Caulfield has been synonymous with "cynical adolescent." Holden narrates the story of a couple of days in his sixteen-year-old life, just after he's been expelled from prep school, in a slang that sounds edgy even today.  His constant wry observations about what he encounters, from teachers to phonies (the two of course are not mutually exclusive) capture the essence of the eternal teenage experience of alienation.’

Grab your copy and get reading!

Next Book Club:  Wednesday 13th June, 7.30pm
Venue: Half & Half Bar, South Croydon.


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