Saturday 5 May 2012

Doogey the Parrot

Doogey the Parrot

By Gemma Warnock & Jenny Payne - Woodside Junior School (age 8 ish?)
 Chapter 1

Doogey is a normal sized parrot, with grey feathered wings and a bright red chest.  He is so funny and clever.  He’s just like a little boy, a cheeky boy and a naughty one.  Tom and Jane are brother and sister and Doogey is their pet parrot.

When Tom went shopping Doogey came with him.  When Tom wasn’t looking Doogey did something naughty.  The shop keeper went over to the toys and said “I don’t remember a toy parrot being here”, “It’s not a toy it’s me”.  Doogey squawked so loudly that Mr Gimps the shop keeper nearly jumped out of his skin and suddenly jumped back in again. 

Tom laughed loudly and Mr Grimps said “what’s so funny?” Tom said “that’s no toy parrot its Doogey my pet parrot”. Mr Grimps was very angry.  He shouted “You two get out immediately I’m not having you young scamps in my shop!”, “Now you’ve got us into trouble” said Tom “Hee hee hee” jeered Doogey.  He really was a naughty little bird.

Chapter 2

The next day when Jane went to school Doogey climbed into her satchel and decided to draw on her lunch box.  On the way he thought it was a bumpy ride and was happy when they got there.  He got out of the satchel when Jane was talking to her friend.  He followed Jane to her classroom as soon as he could. 

Suddenly someone heard a squawk and everyone saw a parrot on the table.  Jane called out “Doogey what are you doing here?” “Squawk, I wanted to see what’s going on at school, squawk”, “Ok, you can stay I suppose,” said Jane.  But Jane shouldn’t have said that because Doogey caused a lot of trouble that day.

Doogey followed Jane into assembly and everyone was roaring with laughter when a parrot appeared behind Jane.  But Mr Jenkins the head teacher wasn’t pleased.  He was very angry.  He didn’t say anything but everyone could see that he was angry.

In the middle of assembly there was a funny part in Mr Jenkins’s story and Doogey thought it was extremely funny.  And what do you think Doogey did?  He squawked and squawked and was rolling with laughter.  Mr Jenkins went red and cried “get rid of that parrot, now!”  Mr Jenkins said “who does this parrot belong to?” Everyone looked at Jane.  Jane meekly put up her hand.  “So why did you bring this…this thing into school, did you think if you did you would get a sticker or something?”, “No sir, he followed me to school sir, please sir…it is true sir.” “All right, all right don’t cry, just don’t bring him in tomorrow”, ”ok yes sir” said Jane.

Chapter 3  

This day was a bad day.  It was Friday the 13th of November.  Everything went wrong.  Everything went wrong anyway in their house. 

Tom was ill that day and had to have some dreamy drunk hot chocolate.  Jane bought him some chocolates but the dog ate them all.  Doogey bought Tom a comic but sat in the corner and read it, instead of giving it to him.  Mum ran out of bird seeds for Doogey and Jane had to go to the pet shop to get some more.  She missed the school bus, forgot her satchel and missed her favourite lesson.  She had to go and see Mr Jenkins but he forgave her, as after all it was the day for things going wrong.

Chapter 4

 Doogey was very excited, an important letter had come that day.  “Post!” said mum, “one is for you Jane.”  “Is there any for me?” said Tom.  “Yes there is” said mum “awesome” said Tom.  “Open it then!” said mum “Wow!” cried Jane, “What is it?” squawked Doogey.  “It’s from the Queen” said Jane, “she’s invited me and Doogey for tea at the palace”, “wow” said Doogey.  “Wait a minute…she’s going to send out one of her special cars to pick us up!” said Jane.  “What does yours say Tom?” said mum “Oh, it’s just from a friend” sulked Tom.

The door rings.  “I’ll get it!” called mum.  It was the milkman.  Apparently he had to have his money today instead of Friday “oh well it’s a tough world”.

Beep Beep!  “Oops” said Jane, “that will be my school bus.  I’ll just grab my satchel and go”.  “I’ll do the same” said Tom.  “Ok have a good day you two” mum said.  “We will, bye!”  The door slams.  “I know, I’ll fix up some cakes and gingerbread men for when they get home from school.  I better get working” said mum. 

At school Jane was making paper parrots and Tom was painting a picture of Doogey.  Later on that day the teacher told everyone a story and all the class had fallen asleep when the bell rang.  Everyone quickly woke up and the teacher sent the children out to get their coats one at a time.

Chapter 5

They were going to visit the Queen on Sunday and Doogey couldn’t wait.  “But you mustn’t be silly Doogey” said Jane “going to see the royal family is very special.”  Doogey tried to make some cakes for the queen but he wouldn’t let anyone help him.

At last it was Sunday and Jane and Doogey were ready to go.  They waited for the royal car to pick them up.  Beep Beep! “That’s our lift, oh bye mum, bye Tom!”  Tom didn’t say goodbye.  He was sulking because he wanted to go too.

Meanwhile Jane and Doogey had arrived.  Jane was just about to open the door of the car when a man opened it for her and said “Please, step out”.  They entered the palace gates and their eyes lit up.  Before them they saw the royal family.  “Hello” said the Queen, “please, sit down”.  “Your majesty, I’ve baked you some cakes” squawked Doogey “and no one helped me,” he said proudly.  The Queen was very nice and said “they look marvellous and I think they will taste lovely too.”  Doogey went red with pride and quite agreed with her.

“The reason I wanted you to come today, is because I’ve heard of your amazing parrot”, “oh, thank you” blushed Jane.  “Now” said the Queen “what exactly can he do?”  Jane said “He can play chess, make the dinner…I mean burn the dinner”.  “Oh, splendid!” cried the Queen “but I wonder if he could cook the dinner and not burn it?” “He has a lot of trouble making the tea, you see, he is a bird and doesn’t have any hands.” said Jane.  “yes I see your point” said the Queen “it just goes to show that you can’t expect a bird to do everything can you.” And so Doogey and Jane spent the day with the Queen.

Chapter 6

It was a very special day because it was Doogey’s birthday.  But Doogey thought that everyone had forgotten it.  Doogey tried to make them remember by saying “don’t you think it’s a day when something special happens?”, “oh, yeah” said Jane “its Doogey's turn to do the washing up!”,”oh, yeah I forgot about that” said Tom.  Doogey looked sad.  He really did think they had forgotten.

He thought he’d go into the living room but Jane stopped him because they were doing a surprise party.  It was certainly going to be a surprise.  Doogey wept and wept.  He wished everyone had remembered his birthday, then maybe he might not be in this state.  But these things happen, and they always happen to Doogey.  “Why don’t you take a nice hot bath?” said Jane.  Something’s very strange around here, thought Doogey.  He went to the toilet, then he climbed into his cage and sulked and sulked for about two hours. 

Then suddenly Tom called up “Doogey you still haven’t done the washing up!”, “All right, all right I’m coming” said Doogey.  So Doogey went downstairs and into the kitchen without passing the living room and without looking where he was going.  He did the washing up.  When he was nearly finished Jane came in and told him to come into the living room.  Doogey went in and there were all his friends, relatives and family, plus all his presents and party things, and hats to wear.  Everyone shouted “HAPPY BIRTHDAY DOOGEY!”  A smile returned to Doogey’s face and he was happy once again.

Chapter 7

It was Christmas Eve and everyone was excited including Doogey.  Doogey was being very good on Christmas Eve because he knew that if he was not good he would not get any presents from Father Christmas.  He tidied his room (or rather his cage), although it had nothing in it to tidy, he did the washing up and put out some carrot and apple for the reindeer and some cookies for Father Christmas. 

It was time for bed and Doogey had a nice long story.  Jane, Tom and Doogey went straight to sleep, for Christmas was the next day and it would be very exciting. 

At last the morning came and Doogey got up and went to the bathroom.  He put some shaving cream on but didn’t wash it off so he looked like Father Christmas.  He walked down the stairs whistling while he went and got out his bike.  He went into the living room and rode around the Christmas tree four times.  He did that every Christmas.  He picked up the bicycle and put it in his cage.  THUMP, THUMP, THUMP went Jane and Tom running down the stairs to the living room.  “Where are they?” asked Tom “Where are what?” asked Doogey, “the presents of course” said Jane “oh, they’re under the Christmas Tree!” said Doogey.  “How do you know?” asked Tom, “because I saw them when I was riding around the tree on my bicycle” said Doogey.  THUMP, THUMP, THUMP “that will be mum!” squawked Doogey. 

The living room door opened “time to open your presents” said mum, “now, I think we can all go to the funfair today, if you will be good for me.” And so everyone went to the funfair and had a great Christmas.   

The End.

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