Thursday 17 February 2011

Chain Smoking Aliens

Went to the cinema last night to see 'Paul', thats the film 'Paul' not my mate Paul...When we reached the counter Rob asked for a ticket for Paul, which I thought was hilarious and asked him why he wasn't getting a ticket for himself...god im easily amused.

Anyway first mistake of the evening was that it was Wednesday.  Bloody 'Orange Wednesdays' yeah I know its great if you've got an Orange phone or even if you remembered what it was, but the thought hadn't even crossed my mind.  So we got to Beckenham Odean to find it crammed with people and three availble seats in the entire guessed it, in the front row.  Argh no way, im not sitting there cranning my neck and holding my glasses up in the air so I can see for 2 hours.  We came home and then found that Sutton had a much later showing.

This time being that we were unprepared for Beckenham we decided to leave ridiculously early so we could get a good seat as its unreserved.  We had an entire cinema to ourselves!! About 5 people strolled in just before it started.  I have to praise Sutton here, apart from having no queue it is ALOT cheaper than everywhere else.  Me and Rob paid less for our standard tickets that Jay did for a student ticket in the other cinemas.

As we were ridiculously early we of course had to purchase loads of crap and then precede to eat it all by the time the film starts.  Jamie happily sat munching his popcorn, Rob nearly threw nacho cheese down his jeans and I moaned about the fact that I had bought chocolates that were individually wrapped *tutt*.  By the time the trailors came on I was so hyperactive from eating all my sweets that I had got the giggles.  It's lucky we were going to watch a comedy or I may have had to leave.  Everything anyone said was funny.  In fact the film could have been rubbish and I still would have been laughing as the sugar coarsed through my veins.  For some reason oreo cookies and chocolates where not enough I had to get pic and mix aswell. 

The film was great! Its about 2 geeks who go to america to the comic-con exhibit and then a tour of all the UFO famous spots around America.  Where upon they come across an chain smoking, potty mouthed alien called Paul and end up on a mission to help him (he is a fugitive on the run from 'the big guy') return to his spaceship and fly home to his planet.  Absolutely stupid, loved it.  Towards the end of the film Paul gives us some wise words of wisdom along the lines of 'theres something we can all learn from this, how much we love and care for each other or some shit like that.'

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