Sunday 27 February 2011

Week 6 - Cream Crackered!

Well I can't believe week 6 has been and gone already, this week has been a sad and stressful week but while everything has been going on the house has been progressing in leaps and bounds, our builders are working very hard!

We popped up there on Thursday and then again today and the difference in those few days is very apparent!

The front bedroom is pretty much done now, the ceilings been replaced and the walls plastered, just needs the radiator fitted now and then me and Jay can whitewash and paint it! yay!

The Hall Stairway has been plastered, god knows how they got up to the top but it looks fantastic!

We bought the Bathroom, boiler, rads and plumbing on Tuesday, the most expensive lunchbreak from work I have ever had and it didn't even include food! The boiler has already been fitted in the utility bit of the kitchen and two little rads are up, one in the kitchen, one in the bathroom...let there be heat!!

The Dining room is coming along, they've now done the ceiling and plastered some of the walls, just the radiators to go in and the back door in a few weeks time, can't wait to see what a difference the light will make to the room!

And the Kitchen Plans have been drawn up, we are just waiting for our quote and praying we can afford it as our bathroom went over budget, why are pipes so bloomin expensive!!  Fingers crossed and our kitchen will look something like this...

Lots going on, two more weeks of building work, then me & jay will be there for a week whitewashing the whole house, then hopefully can start some painting while the builders keep working.  The kitchen will be one of the last things to go in and the windows should be fitted in a few weeks time! Its all coming together I have a feeling the next few weeks are going to fly by...

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