Friday 4 February 2011


All this talk about moving house has made me think back to when we moved into the house we live in now.  We moved there when I was just 4 years old and although I don't remember much about being 4 years old I do remember going to see 'our' house for the first time. 

Mum took us to look around the house and asked us if we liked it and if we might like to live there.  I said yes.  I remember very clearly what was to become my room, I couldn't tell you what the rest of the house looked like its all a blur except for that special room.  My room was pink, everything was pink.  Pink ceiling, pink carpet, pink clowns on the wall paper, it was a fairytale of a room.  Which is ironic as anyone who knows me knows I am not a fan of pink and am not very 'girly'.  But that was not always the case, pink was my favourite colour and I fell in love with that little bedroom.  In stark contrast there will be no pink rooms in our new house!!

Its funny the little moments we remember, something small that stays with us after so many years.

I think for our new house it was the garden that sealed the deal for me.  I saw so much potential in the house in general but that garden is something special and it may be just me who saw that, but I am itching for spring to arrive so we can clean it up and give it some love! And it has an apple tree which in itself puts a big smile on my face, I don't know why maybe its my new fairytale.


  1. I remember seeing my room for the first time before I moved in and like you I was 4 years old. The thing I remember most was that it was a boys room with pirates everywhere! and a blackboard.

    When we moved in, on the black board was a little message that said. Welcome to you new room! :)

  2. awww thats cute!! Pirate room sounds awesome!
