Wednesday 27 April 2011

Week 15 - Painting like a crazeee lady

Easter break for me has meant lots of time off, but although it’s been time off work I’ve been busy at the house.  In between eating chocolate eggs,  I’ve been working my socks off to get the front and back rooms painted, glossed and all ready for Danny to fit the laminate flooring! And I’m nearly there, front room is finished and the dining room will be finished tomorrow... (Apart from a bit of wall papering, this will happen at a later stage).  I spent hours varnishing the window frames and the wooden cabinet and am so pleased with it, it looks wicked! It was so nice to get rid of the nasty net curtains too!  Although I have now got varnish on my hands as well as gloss that won’t come off!   

This week we have had a visitor...

The Heron has been eating all the neighbour’s fish and we caught him staking out our pond! Luckily Graham was round at the time and managed to construct some mad looking rope/stick/mesh contraption to cover our pond while the Heron is about (I should have taken a picture of that) but we might have to get something more permanent if he sticks around as otherwise our little fishes will be munched!!  It’s such an incredible looking bird though, can’t believe how big they are, and he was just perched on our roof!
Had a couple of the neighbours pop in for a sneaky peek today, they seemed impressed (and also a little jealous of our giant cooker).   I’ve been trying to persuade Jamie to move in, the last week I’ve been whispering in his ear, complaining, talking really loudly about it, writing it in my blog on the internet for all to see... but now I guess *sighs* it would now make sense to wait for the floor to be done before we move in, which is being started on Friday.  But I don’t know how long it will take or if it will all get done over the weekend we shall have to wait and see.  The drum kit has moved in all on its own ahh bless.  I have been packing stuff up and sorting out my things at home and my room already looks a bit empty, very weird indeed.  I just want to move in now!!!! I have been very patient (for me) up until now. Come on little house not much to do now, I can’t wait to see everything finished.   

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