Wednesday 27 April 2011

A review of the book within the book

The End of Mr Y (Scarlett Thomas)
Ok when I started this book I instantly thought ooooh this is going to be really clever and exciting and gripping.  I did from the start think it was bizarre and to be honest it is not an easy story to explain but i’ll give it a go.  Ariel (our heroine) comes across a mysterious book, extremely rare and rumoured to be cursed to those who read it.  So obviously she reads it.  The book is called the End of Mr Y.  In this cursed book she comes across a recipe which in the story allows Mr Y to travel to some other world (alternate universe?) where he can jump into other people’s minds (amongst other things).  Ariel has her suspicions (valid) that this might be a real recipe and so tests this out.  There then follows a long and winding string of consequences which form the rest of the book (the one i’m reading) does this make sense? Not really? Neither does the book...
I did enjoy it and it suggests some interesting things to think about, sub consciousness, thought process and various science stuff but it delves a tad too deep for me, I did get lost quite a few times and to be honest I was very disappointed with the ending, well I’m not really sure what happened exactly.  But if you want something to read that taxes the brain then go for this.  Some great ideas and very original but i’m not sure it altogether makes sense,  but that could just be me being a bit dense.
My question is this...If the book ‘The End of Mr Y’ is cursed to those that read it, then by calling the book the same title as the book in the book are they trying to make me think I’m now cursed?     

Oh the picture? Yeah there are talking mice in the book too...

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