Sunday 6 March 2011

Week 7 - Whitewashing begins...

I can't believe its been another week since I did my last blog on here.  I didn't even get a chance to go up to the house this week until today! But its looking good and I did some whitewashing today hoorah! At last I feel like I am actually doing something to contribute!

So this week, the floor in the utility room was levelled and Jamie & his dad did more work on the electrics, chasing in sockets etc. 

We decided to have them build a wall to create a hallway upstairs so that the bathroom no longer comes off of the second bedroom.  This is now up and ready to be plastered.  It makes such a difference I was really surprised how it actually makes everything seem bigger, I was worried it would make the 2nd bedroom too small but it has all worked out great!

And we started painting!! Me and Rob painted the front bedroom and Rob painted the stairway, whilst whistling every song that came on the radio downstairs so that I could hear it too! We whistled while we worked!  Only a few incidents today namely me managing to soak myself with the kitchen tap and putting my foot into a tray of paint and knocking it all over the floor...but apart from that it was a very successful day!

I am so tired is it bed time yet? ZZzzzzzz

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