Friday 28 January 2011

Book Reviews

The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet’s Nest (Stieg Larson)
The last in the trilogy and an excellent finale! I have to say though I still think I prefer the second book out of the three maybe because the action is relentless, but in this third book it delves further still into Salander’s life and all her secrets are revealed ending with a gripping trial to decide her fate.
The only thing that I didn’t like so much about the books were the names of the people which drove me a little crazy.  I know it’s a Swedish book but some of the character’s names were so similar to others that I got confused about who was doing what at times!  Also it seems in Sweden all they ever eat is sandwiches!!  Oh my god there is a crisis...we must have a sandwich.  Someone has been murdered...let’s have a sandwich.  Maybe it’s like the English with their cup of tea!
I’m just being picky here these books are awesome and well worth a read.  Persevere with the first book, which starts off quite slow, it will be worth it and you will be eager to keep reading until the last page of the third book!
I actually saw the first film the other night which I thought was an excellent adaptation, although none of the characters apart from Lisbeth looked anything like I had pictured them in my head when I was reading.  The actress who plays Salander is perfect!  It’s got some very nasty scenes which I was obviously expecting, but I am looking forward to watching number 2...once Jamie has read the second book! Hurry up Jamie!! :oP

The Tales of Beedle The Bard (JK Rowling)
I’m not sure what I was expecting, but I didn’t really enjoy reading this.  It’s a very short story book containing the children’s tales which are read to young witches and wizards.  The stories themselves were quite good but I found Dumbledore’s ‘notes’ which made up about half of the book actually quite boring, I know there were lots of references to the Harry Potter world in there but it didn’t hold my interest and I found myself skimming through at places. 
This one is best left for the little kiddies me thinks!  

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