Tuesday 4 January 2011

*Fanfare please* My first Blog

I’ve seen other people’s blogs over the last few years and always thought maybe I should jump on the band wagon.  The truth is I kind of have my own little blog on paper-yes I still use pen and paper.  Every now and then I sit down and write something, not like a diary but it might be a poem or a story about a memory or something random.  I’ve also started writing book reviews and keeping a list of all the books I have been reading.  I’ve decided to start sharing this information with the world, with anyone who might be interested.  I don’t really mind if no one reads it or is interested but as I jot things down or create something it brings with it a sense of accomplishment. 

I am a creative person.  Since I was little I have always felt a kind of pressure to use the potential I have.  It is not a pressure which has been put on me by anyone, but myself and how I feel.  Although at college there was definitely some degree of pressure and expectation that if I didn’t get the perfect ‘arty’ job that I would be stuck in the realm of retail boredom forever.  I have in the past felt like I am somehow not fulfilling my purpose if my job is not to be a creative person.  Throughout my life I have come across others who have similar feelings and these people have helped me to make personal discoveries.   

I have come to realise that it is the person that makes them creative not their job.  Everything a person does and thinks makes up who they are.  The writing, the doodles, the photography, the way I think, I am being me, I am fulfilling my purpose.  I am creative in my approach to how I do my work even if my job is not typically ‘creative’.

Definition of an Artist: A person who creates Art

I am an Artist

This year is to be an adventure.  A new house and in some aspects a new life.  I am welcoming the change.  Moving out for the first time away from my family who I have lived with for the 26 years of my life and moving in with Jamie.  Finally the independence and space that I need is almost in reach, it is exciting but also strange, I may be in danger of becoming a real grown up.  I don’t have any illusions that this is going to be easy.  I have been with Jamie for so long that I can’t imagine not being with him, but we have not lived together before, I am sure there will be many habits and discoveries made along the way which take both of us by surprise.  We know each other as well as you can know anyone in 8 years but it will be a new adventure to live together and share our lives in this new way.

As everyone keeps reminding us moving and having work done will no doubt be very stressful and we have all this ahead of us, hopefully about to begin in the next few weeks.  But I am so excited, we have waited this long and been so patient that I know we can wait the next few months to make the house exactly how we want it before we move in.  Most nights it take me ages to fall asleep now as my head is full to bursting with thoughts about everything. About life, about what lies ahead, about what colour the walls are going to be.  Kitchen appliances and tea towels have become interesting, I fear I am turning into one of those ‘adults’.  Suddenly the things which seemed dull around the house and have held no meaning to me all these years are becoming exciting because I am buying them, they are for ‘our’ house.  Who could have foreseen Jamie and I getting excited about buying an Iron and a slow cooker in the January sales but alas it has happened!  No doubt once I start to use these things on a daily basis the novelty will start to wear off! But for now everything is just that, a novelty.  I like the way that feels!

I am going to continue the Wedding photography this year with the hopes of getting more bookings.  The more experience I get, the more weddings I do will hopefully lead to more bookings.  Oh for photography to be my day job now that would be a dream! Who knows one day maybe…watch this space.

I will fill this blog with random thoughts and scribbles along with some artwork, photos etc. some new some old.  Who knows this blog may keep me sane through the crazy year ahead.  Even writing this page has made me want to continue with it, see this was a good idea…


  1. Moving out for the first time is incredibly exciting! To be doing it with Jamie must be even more so!

    Best of luck hun, and good luck with that wedding photogrpahy too, from what I've seen you're awesome at it!

    B xx

  2. BRAVO

    "I am creative in my approach to how I do my work even if my job is not typically ‘creative’.
    Definition of an Artist: A person who creates Art
    I am an Artist"

    Welcome to the world with new eyes opened. Bin all that crap you thought being an ARTIST was all about previously. You have cracked it. Its about YOU and nothing else. Also, totally enjoyed reading this blog. Step by step too, the house is big enough to be dealing with next and you have done SO well so far. It'll be AWESOME, the house is your canvas! Pictures up galore. Looking forward to reading more of your blogs. X

  3. Thanks girls :o) I'm enjoying the blogging already, it kind of feels like your getting things off your chest even if its just random stuff! Watch this space! x x x
