My brother and I were gamblers at an early age, playing cards with my Nan and Grandad. We played pontoon for matchsticks or sometimes pennies if we were naughty. That was back in the days when Hearts were called farts and clubs were flowers. Trumps was just an excuse to make rude noises and everyone always wanted to be the dealer in pontoon so they felt important and raked in the sticks.
52 Card Pick up was a game my Grandad taught us (and possibly invented-although this has not been proven), which I think should be taught to all young children. Now listen carefully to the rules. You take a normal pack of cards and the children to the bottom of the garden. After the build up of excitement e.g. Reeeeeeeady... steeeeeeeeeeady... GO! You flick or throw (the choice is yours) the cards up in the air so they go flying all over the garden. Then you run off to hide in the house for some peace and quiet while the kids are content running around for half an hour trying to find them all and putting them back in order. Did I mention my Grandad is a genius?
Please note this game is best not played on a particularly windy day or it may result in the next door neighbours joining in...
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