Saturday 19 March 2011

Memories of Budapest...

Budapest 2007

A girly weekend in Budapeshhhhh with Hayley and Michelle, it was my first girly city break and we had a ridiculous amount of fun!  In fact it is still one the best city breaks I have ever been on, I would definitely go back to Budapest!

Memorable Moments
Re-living childhood, having leaf fights, being carefree throwing leaves up in the air and at each other, watching them tumble all around us.

Souvenir shopping, going round all the shops trying to find something suitable for Michelle’s fridge magnet collection!
The chair lift up the mountain, to infinity and beyond!
Breathtaking views over the Danube, being quiet and peaceful, having space to think.
Hayley making us run up possibly the steepest hill I’ve ever seen!! At one point I was pretty much crawling and hanging on to trees to stop myself rolling down it and falling in the river, it was that steep.  Add to that not being able to breathe at the top, being the least fit of the three of us!
Stealing bananas from the breakfast room to keep us going throughout the day and challenging each other to banana fights in the castle.

Curiously watching an old local man trying to persuade tourists to play ‘Mini Casino’ (the ball of paper under the cup game)
Going to a VERY random Laser show at a planetarium one evening, watching the most bizarre trippy light show listening to ACDC on full blast and afterwards discovering that Hayley slept through the entire thing!
Hayley’s Tigger impressions and the random dukebox of songs which we sang throughout the weekend.
The ‘boobie’ statue.
The terrifying dark underground caves where we came across ‘Bob’ who had seemingly been stranded there for years...

Architectural Genius
The Hungarian Parliament building, a huge gothic domed building with decorative spires, overlooking the Danube river separating Buda and Pest.

There are lots of Castles and fortresses.  My favourite castle looked like one from a fairytale.

There are beautiful churches with spires all over Budapest.
The bridge at night all lit up looked pretty special.

Culinary Delights
Sharing apple candy floss in the park.

Paprika! Everything had paprika in it or on it, you could also buy paprika from the markets and shops, obviously a local delicacy.
Hayley’s obsession with Tiramasu, every night we walked around looking for a good restaurant, Hayley always chose the ones with Tiramasu on the menu...
The riverboat restaurant, where Michelle and I had an amazingly tasty risotto and also laughed until we cried.  The entertainment consisted of a keyboard player, and a guitar player (who played one note in each song apparently quite randomly).  They were terrible and we got the giggles so bad we kept catching peoples eyes around the restaurant making them laugh, until everyone in the restaurant was laughing, and the ‘entertainment’ had no idea why!
In some restaurants they had tried to translate the menu’s into English, some very was selling chokeolate cake.  ‘Choke on your cake for 10 Huf’ then became the saying every time we ordered dessert that weekend!
What the Weatherman Says (October)
Cold and crisp but bright & sunny.  Perfect autumn weather and gorgeous trees with yellow and red leaves.  As most will know I have a slight obsession with trees and was in my element here taking pictures, it was so colourful and picturesque.

Walkometer/Exhaustion Level : 8/10
The first night we didn’t know where to go so thought we’d explore and ended up walking around in a big circle.  Michelle then did an excellent job of the route planning and map reading throughout the weekend.  Although we did ALOT of walking we decided we should go on every method of transport at least once so made sure we travelled on a tram, bus and underground at some point.  Some of the castles had some very steep steps and combined with Hayleys dragging me up vertical hills I was knackered.  But I remember getting one of the best night’s sleep ever that second night, I was so relaxed and worn to a frazzle that I konked out in seconds.

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