Friday 25 March 2011

Week 10 - Half a kitchen, half a bathroom

This week progress seems slow, we were originally expecting the bulders in from monday, kitchen to be delivered and fitted at the beginning of the week.  Then the kitchen was re-arranged for Thursday but a builder came in on monday anyway as the toilet appeared in the bathroom! So we have been a bit unsure what's going on this week.  But finally the kitchen has been delivered and is half way there...

The other half is in the front room...

Am hoping they come in tommorrow and get some more done fingers crossed!

The bathroom is sort of half way there aswell, there is a bath and a toilet although they are not completely plumbed in.  We are awaiting the lino floor to arrive at B&Q so that it can all be fitted.  It has however been lovingly painted by me and Jay aaaaah
The wall with the window will be tiled soon hopefully if we can afford the tiles...

All the walls have been plastered now aswell the last two were done this week and the radiators have been fitted, so we will soon have heat! hoorah!

We went to the Ideal Home show today to look at loads of funky stuff that we can't afford, we did come back with some knives, a paint pad pro (we had to purchase some sort of gadget its the rules) & some cheese!  Also found a ridiculously expensive rug which we would like however may have to wait until next year for that me thinks :o) may post some more pics tommorrow of the kitchen if it's miraculously completed!


  1. really impressed Gem! I like the fact you went to the Ideal Home show and bought some cheese too.

  2. yes i wanted to buy copious amounts of cheese but as we're tight on money thought we better not be too reckless! We're saving the seriously mature black bomber cheese for when we move in! celebratory cheese hee hee

    Tasha I can't wait for it to be done now, it feels like we've been doing this forever! lol We are nearly there now there is light at the end of the tunnell...

    Are you enjoying the blogs? I think I've got blogging fever I'm loving it! x
